Tape & Bed

Because it is so easily taken for granted, few people understand the true importance of a quality tape and bed job. This often overlooked step is actually an art form that can make or break the overall appearance of a project. Our tape and bed craftsmen are skilled at treating each drywall joint to provide the smoothest possible surface, free of lap marks, pits and edges. They are aware of critical lighting conditions and make every effort to minimize crowning. After finishing, all drywall surfaces are then sanded and primed. This makes any blemishes and imperfections that may have gone unnoticed easier to recognize. Then, using a critical eye, they touch up any such imperfections and spot prime as needed. The goal is to ensure a perfectly smooth primed surface BEFORE any finish coats of paint are applied. In short, they strive to make every drywall surface the very best that it can be.

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